New Years Resolutions: Bettering Ourselves or Refusing to Let go of an Outdated Tradition
For many years now people have made New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a time-honored tradition that’s been handed down through the generations, but should we be leaving it there? While I will admit that it seems like a nice way to better yourself “new year, new you” and all, I can also see how it’s just a way to set yourself up for failure, after all, who can suddenly just start going to the gym every day of the week after having never even known who Jim was! In the past I have noticed, both of myself and others, that resolutions are always a big and sudden life change, and its often not even because THEY want to, but because everyone else is doing it, and I simply don’t agree. You can’t suddenly 180 your life and expect it to stick, and if you don’t even want the changes why would you even bother! For this reason, I won’t be making a resolution. This being said, I’m not claiming to be perfect and there’s always stuff I would like to change. I’m still going to be making changes, but instead of having one big broad New Year’s resolution to get fit, which is a very broad goal with no real definition, I’ve simply decided to try and go to the rec center at least once a week. My MWF classes get out at 1:35, and that’s the perfect opportunity to pop into the rec center. I plan to allow myself to adjust to that, and then assess and up my goal when I consistently hit my once a week goal. Last semester my “fit” goal was to take the stairs more. Every time I was going down a floor I took the stairs. That was all, but that one tiny goal was something I could achieve and feel good about, and once I adjusted to that small change I started taking the stairs up too. I adjusted, reassessed and then upped my goal and repeated. By the end of the semester, I was always taking the stairs (except up to the 4th floor in the library because those stairs are KILLER). I feel like these small life changes with defined edges are much more effective and can achieve the same results. So maybe this year instead of trying to change everything all at once, and eventually getting discouraged and giving up, we should all try and make small changes that work up to our big goal. But however you decide to do your resolutions, I wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope to see y’all back here real soon!
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