It's Going to be Okay: The Story of Mr. Color
Sometimes everyone needs to hear this one phrase: “It’s going to be okay.” I know that by now it’s a bit of a cliché, but I have to say, it’s always correct. Now some of you may find that you’re asking yourself “Mish, what brought this on?” and I’m here to tell you. I have many countless anecdotes about my own personal life that show this, but over the events of the last few days I have found it to be truer than ever, so without further ado, let me tell of the story of Mr. Color and how his life came crashing down around him as he stood proud and victorious in the middle.
Mr. Color lived in his house with his mother, Mrs. Charlie, and his two sisters, Mrs. Winter and Mrs. March, but they were not happy. Mr. Color did not get along with his mother, and his two sisters rarely did either. The slightly dysfunctional family did not have a lot, but with everyone working all of the hours they could they made the rent every month and managed to get the bills paid. While this system worked for a while, eventually Mrs. Charlie started to use her children’s rent money to purchase her own gas and cigarettes instead of for paying the rent; this became a serious problem, and when her children started to stand against it she became angry. Mrs. Charlie eventually started sending her children to get her gas and cigarettes or wine, and threatened to throw them out if they didn’t do it.
After a very long time of arguing and fighting between the four, Mrs. Charlie told her children to leave. Mr. Color was suddenly faced with having nowhere to live and he was very scared. He did not have the money to live on his own, and didn’t know what he was going to do; it seemed as if there was no hope. However, instead of sitting down and giving up he and his two sisters put on their big girl pants and went out and started looking for an apartment.
They searched and searched, but all of the apartments were either out of their price range, or they couldn’t be moved into right away, and they had only two days to be out of Mrs. Charlies house. Finally, the last one they looked at was the one! They could afford it and before you know it they had all of the paperwork signed and the keys in hand. Grinning and victorious, they went to Mrs. Charlies house to retrieve their things and begin their journey into their new lives, but Mrs. Charlie was upset that they had found someplace so quick, as she was hoping that they would have more trouble, and refused to let them in.
With this new development, the children started to lose hope; they started to think that their nightmare would never end, however when the law sided with the children, Mrs. Charlie was forced to let them in. Mrs. Charlie said she would let them in at 8 am Wednesday morning and that they had one day to move out, as she knew that everyone would be at work or school and they would ultimately fail. Yet again the children found themselves in a hopeless situation, but nevertheless they called all of their friends, and their friends came through and helped them get their stuff all out in one day.
With Mrs. Charlies plans foiled once again, the team of friends and family left victorious to set up the new home, and while they may not be done with Mrs. Charlie entirely, they have a roof over their heads, food to eat, and a family that they know they will always be able to depend on, even if that doesn’t always Include Mrs. Charlie.
My point to all of this is not simply to tell you that everything will magically be okay, because quite frankly it won’t. Sometimes your life falls apart, and many people seem to stand by and watch it go, but if you put in the effort it will be okay. I’m not saying it will be fun, I’m not saying it will be ideal and I’m not saying that it will be quick. You know it won’t be easy, and sometimes you will have to ask for help, but with enough time and hard work you can rest assured that one phrase will always be true.
My dear friend Mr. Color is one of the strongest people I know, and him and his sisters are some of my best friends in the world. I’m so incredibly proud of him and how through his own determination and perseverance he found a way to make it work and discovered life’s plan for him. When all of this happened, none of us believed that we could possibly make this work, but when he called me on the phone, I proved that sometimes you just need to hear,
“It’s going to be okay.”
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